Sunday, April 27, 2008

So much for Cadiz.

Well, Cadiz has a lovely container port, and there seem to be some nice buildings around the town, including an imposing cathedral, but that’s pretty much all I can say about it from the distance of our balcony on the ship. Torsten was unfortunately sick last night, throwing up a few times (just liquid though, oddly – his dinner, consumed hours before, stayed down). He continued the trend this morning before breakfast, after having just a bit of water and breast milk. We were understandably very worried, and took him to see the ship’s doctor. She examined him, and didn’t think he had any infection or even dehydration, so she said to keep him off solids, milk and breast milk for at least the next 12 hours, and to give him some Pedialyte (basically a rehydrating drink) for the next few hours to see if he kept that down.

We’ve therefore spent the day on board the ship, and actually, for a sick boy, Torsten is very chipper. He still wants to run around and explore, and his main, very loud and crying complaint is that we aren’t feeding him (especially me). However, he hasn’t thrown up since just before we took him to the doctor, and he was able to eat a tiny bit of bread without any problems, so we’re probably going to accelerate the doctor’s orders and give him some plain white rice and bread for supper, together with apple juice and chicken broth. He’s taking a long nap right now, and I have high hopes that he’ll be fine tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no! I hope he's better today.